Chof Av was already in the air days before the actual special day. From the Nesiah war focusing on the two aspects of on the one hand going to the Rebbe and on the other taking all that inspiration and channeling it to transform the world around us once we come back home. Infusing all the amazing energy we got from the Rebbe.
There were Farbrengens in learning class and the connection point rally all putting preparations for Chof Av in high gear.
Finaly on the day itself every camper boarded the bus. While on the way utilizing the last moments before going to the Rebbe for Mishnayos Baal Peh and Farbrengens. Finally arriving at the Ohel clad in their beautiful green camp shirts, campers all got to go in and have their special moment with the Rebbe. The day concluded with a grand rally in 770 complete with singing niggunim and Davening Mincha.
What a special way to celebrate Chof Av in the Rebbe’s camp.