This week Kriyas Gan Yisroel hosted a fantastic concert with Benny Friedman! There where special treats given out pre concert including cotton candy, popcorn and ices.
The campers were given light up rods, while Fitche Ben-Shimon started off the beats in anticipation for Benny Friedman’s grand entrance. He finally appeared from behind the curtains singing one of his classics. Making his way to the stage with much hype and enthusiasm.
If that wasn’t enough, mid concert Benny invited surprise guest singer Baruch Shalom Blesofsky on stage and the singing duo paired great together. later on LT YM Friedman who jointly composed Team Shlichus’s BOG war song with ALD Dovid Drizin came to sing his song that has now become a staple of camp songs. Next LT Menachem Koncepolski joined in with benny Friedman, so many talented staff member in Gan Yisroel. Towards the end just as everyone thought it was over, and things were winding down, Boaz jumped on stage and sang his catchy night activity theme song together with Benny, and then a Yud Aleph Nissan niggun he made as well.
It was an incredible night to remember.