This week being the begging of the 9 days there was no trip. But that’s not at all to say we didn’t have a blast. In fact with all the extra fun we had on camp grounds it was a an especially smashing week.
Highlights of activities this week included waterslides Instead of swimming, a super fun scavenger hunt during third activity made by the activity director Dovi Wilhelm, Had campers going around to different areas of camp and doing fun stuff it said on the papers. The campers had a lot of fun playing laser tag in the Rebbe’s forest with the trees and rocks acting as natural barriers in addition to the tents and bases brought by the Laser Tag guy. The best game was campers vs. counselors.
BMD had Color war this week both teams put on plays in the shul which the campers had a fun late night watching them.
We had In house entertainment in the form of a BMX bike show. They came and set up their ramps in the camp square and all the campers sat around on their bunks benches watching from a safe distance. It turns out one of the bikers was Jewish and had never put on Tefillin before. The night activity director Boaz made a bar mitzvah for him right then and there!
One of highlight of night activity this week was making Music videos, with acapella music of course. They each picked a song and took a video of their bunk acting out the song. They were then judged by a panel of counselors until they declared which video was the winner.