Wow! Its only a week and it feels like were half way through the summer already!
BMD has been having the time of their lives. Just the first night, they were treated out to an AMAZING game of sock wrestling, and delicious BMD shish kabobs, to enjoy as they watched the game.
After this amazing start, BMD was surprised again as they found out that they would all be getting on a bus to a two part trip. It started off with bowling, where all the BMD bochurim got two games! Then to ice skating, following a delicious pizza lunch,. and finishing with ice cold slurpies to cool themselves down.
The next two days were full of fun. They had sports and different activities, such as swimming, boating, and the other great things we have here on CGI grounds.
They also had a never done before, seder sichos, in which a few bochurim learned with a different staff member a sicha, having light refreshments on the side.
Looking forward to another exciting week in the #legendary BMD.
(BTW We now have an Instagram page for your convenience: @bmd_cgi_ny)