Today was a very special day in Camp Gan Yisroel, we went to the Ohel for
Gimmel Tammuz. This morning the campers woke up bright and early to head
to Cocoa Club and Daven. After Breakfast everyone headed to learning class and
sat down with their learning teachers to write panim. The campers wrote
panim as their learning teachers told them Chassidishe stories and anecdotes.
After learning class we all headed onto the coach buses and drove to the
Rebbe’s Ohel. On the way we were treated to videos of the Rebbe and the
counselors Farbrenged with the campers. When we arrived the campers got in
line and prepared for the ohel by reading Maaneh Loshon and Tehillim. When
we entered we read our Panim and ripped them up. After that we all headed
into the main tent to wash up and get something to eat. We then boarded the
buses and headed back to Machene Gan Yisroel for supper and a good night’s

Photos by: Mendel Young