Finally the moment we’ve all been waiting for-COLOR WAR!! Color war was broken out by our supposed substitute head counselor who “had to take over for a week.” The teams were divided and introduced to all their staff- generals, lieutenants, captains, and general staff. The first day came with scavengers, beautiful plays, team songs, and team time.
The two team names are Eved Ne’eman and Eved Poshut, the tochen reflecting the two types of avodah, both with the same outcome but different processes as to how to get there. Because MBP wins the war the whole camp got up early this morning to learn MBP with hot cocoa, donuts, and many more raffles and incentives. Next came the Halacha skits where each team is given about ten minutes to perform a comedy skit which explains a certain Halacha. Stay posted, for later tonight will be the Grand Sing! -Boruch Moshe Sherman