This week flew by way too fast! The campers got ready for Shabbos right after another awesome day of learning and activities, when the campers tidied their bunk houses, called home, and got ready for bedside inspection. The preparations concluded with an amazing learning class, and then everyone headed towards the Shul for Mincha.
The energy during Maariv was on fire as every bunk was chosen to pick a tune for each segment of Lecha Dodi! After heading towards the dining room to eat a delicious meal, the energy from Maariv quadrupled as everyone sang and classic Camp songs and danced to lively Nigunim. The atmosphere was indescribable; the Achdus, the smiles, the inspiration.
Shachris was bright and early, and the Davening was remarkable too! The Seuda was incredible, just like the night before, and following benching was learning class, a Farbrengen snd then the first MBP! It was mind blowing to see how the majority of the camp participated, and invested almost two hours to learn Mishnayos, and how much could be accomplished in that amount of time! The campers were rewarded with tickets for Rebbe pictures and to a Nosh station, and then they headed to the dining room for Shalosh Seudos. Shamryonkie this week got the entire camp rolling on the floor with laughter, as our Night Activity directors highlighted the week in an original humorous way.
After heading to Maariv, and hearing Havdalah the camZZpers sat down to watch this weeks review created by Videographer Mordy Levilev, which concluded Shabbos with wishes for another unbelievable, and exciting week in Gan Yisroel!