2nd Month Begins

The second trip of Camp Gan Yisroel – NY began on Monday, as elegant coach buses conveyed both the new campers arriving and the campers heading home. A spirit of achdus was felt as all of the campers – from both months – took advantage of the few overlapping hours in camp to join in a grand general learning class. Later, it was orientation and unpacking for the new campers and new and exciting activities for all.

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Amongst the various innovative activities and programs that Camp Gan Yisroel – NY offers its campers are a few that are new for this year and unique to CGI – NY. A Human Foosball court was just completed, and it’s every bit as fun as it sounds. The setup adds a unique twist to the sport and each bunk eagerly anticipates its turn to join in the fun.

Another innovative program that CGI – NY is the first to offer is the Scratchers Reward Program. When ahead counselor or learning director notices a camper behaving exceptionally well, that camper is presented with a Scratchers scratch card. Eagerly, the camper uses a coin to reveal his reward, which can range from a Rebbe picture to a possuk at lineup to treats in canteen and much, much more.