From the Shabbos before, preparations for gimmel tammuz were already underway. The campers farbrengend, with the Shabbos meals full of Rebbe songs and beautiful stories shared by the Head Counselors.
By learning class there were special Farbrengens, where the learning teachers shared inspiration with each of their respective kevutzos.
Shabbos ended off on a beautiful note with a soul-stirring seder niggunim, everyone singing with tremendous chayus and energy.
Monday night a rally was held with a speech by camp mashpia Mendel Kaplan, a JEM Video and a Connection Point production with question sheets given out. The night finished off with the 12 pesukim, heartful niggunim and a raffle on tickets given out through the event.
Tuesday started off in an introspective mood, with the learning class being utilized to write pannim after a introduction by their teachers. Then after all these preparations, camp headed to the Ohel. The time on the bus was utilized in productive ways between doing Mishnayos and Tanya Baal Peh, finishing up panim and some last minute farbrengens. All of these resources made the moment of entering the Ohel so much more meaningful.
Then we headed back to camp after a long but impactful day.